
Better late than never, completed my MS at Boston University

Monday, September 3, 2012

Repealing Obama Care. A Few Questions First

A Few Questions Re “Repealing Obama Care”

When Mitt Romney says that he will “repeal Obamacare in his first day in office,” do folks realize that he’d be throwing out item after item that the largest percentage of Americans support and that positively impact their lives?  

Would older people happily return to “the donut hole,” that would cost many of them up to $1,500 a year in added drug costs?  

Are kids and their parents willing to toss overboard the provision allowing adult children to remain on their parents’ health plan until age 26?   

People who have diabetes, cancer, who have suffered heard attacks or who are infected with HIV, are they receptive to allowing insurance companies to preclude them because of their “prior conditions?” 

Finally, the Act helps drive down costs—which Republicans and everyone else should embrace—through prevention programs and better understanding of health outcomes.   All in favor of losing that raise their hand.

Republicans say that they will reinstate portions of the Act that they don’t find objectionable—such as prohibiting exclusion due to existing conditions.   But health reform took the two years to enact (or decades, depending on how polemic you want to be).  Is there any assurance that the Reps could reinstate the goodies anytime soon?  Not likely.